7 Truth that changed my life Completely


1 - Success is 5% brain and 95% consistency.

2-  Your time and energy are leaking from three cracks

- Social Media

- Overthinking

- Meaningless Relationship 

Instead of productivity hacks, fix these cracks first.

3- If Someone can't tell you what their flaws are, they have the most dangerous flaws of them all; a lack of self awareness.

4- Imagine playing Monopoly and never buying any assets or investments that generate income.

Imagine you just went around collecting $200, giving your money to the rich, and trying to stay out of jail.

That is how most people live their lives.

5- Someone's ability to resist material things says more about their character rather than their ability to obtain them.

6- Just because a relationship has lasted a long time does not mean it's working.

7- Self respect comes from self control.

     You'll never respect yourself

     Pleasing and external validation.

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